Your Money with Michelle Martin


Your Money With Michelle Martin (9am - 12pm) It’s all about Your Money with Michelle Martin from 9am to 12pm. How to save, invest and make the best financial decisions for yourself. Listen to inspiring thinkers with “Influence” and hear from great authors in “Read”.

JUL 29, 2019
29/07/19 - How to know if the tea you bought is authentic? Simply scan the tea leaves using this device.
Did you know that fraud in the tea industry is common? As lower-grade teas or even used teas may be used as a substitute, and teas that could be adulterated with fillers like wood, chips, and sugar. It is unfortunate but tea industry farmers are also paid the thinnest margin of their products’ eventual retail price, as earnings are unevenly distributed between farmers, wholesalers, and retailers. In a quest to combat these problems and increase transparency, local food tech start-up teapasar has developed a commercial portable device that is faster and cheaper to identify the authenticity of a plant-based food and drink - such as tea, herbs and spices. Alan Lai, Co-Founder & Executive Director of teapasar shares more.

JUL 26, 2019
26/07/19 - Money and Me: Structure Your Child's Education Plan Now!
Join Michelle Martin, as she speaks with Pamela Chong, Senior Financial Services Consultant, GenGroup, about structured education planning, the associated benefits and how it can go a long way in preventing any slip-ups that could arise in ensuring that there are sufficient funds for your child to enter University.

JUL 26, 2019
26/07/19 - Mutual funds or ETFs - which is better?
Many of us often think financial planning involves investing, but what we overlook is the importance of budgeting, debt management and protection. Most believe that the active management of our finances through the help of professional portfolio managers - who manage mutual funds or unit trusts - can’t beat the passive funds over the long-term. Yet, people pay higher fees for ETFs. Why are ETFs gaining so much popularity? And is one better than the other? Saijal Patel, Founder & CEO of Saij Elle shares more. She also gives her three golden rules to investing.

JUL 25, 2019
25/07/19 - What's the best way to do money transfers? Try this simple cheaper method.
Are you looking for the best way to move money around the world? Whether you’re sending money to another country, spending money abroad, or making and receiving international business payments, here’s one tech company on a mission to make your life easier and save you money when you do money transfers. Harsh Sinha, Chief Technology Officer of TransferWise shares more.

JUL 25, 2019
25/07/19 - Money and Me: Cracking Cryptocurrency
Join Michelle Martin, as she speaks with Leng Hoe Lon, Author of “Decrypted:A Financial Trader’s Take on Cryptocurrency, about everything one needs to understand about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

JUL 24, 2019
24/07/19 - Still looking for a reason to exercise regularly? People who do earn 9 per cent more.
We all know the benefits of working out but did you know that people who exercise at least three hours a week earn 9 per cent more than those who don’t? This, according to a study published by the Journal of Labour Research. We’ll also discuss if your monthly gym membership is worth the money or is it a wasted investment? Entrepreneur and nutrition researcher, Dr Vincent Candrawinata shares more.

JUL 24, 2019
24/07/19 - Money and Me: What Makes a REIT Affordable
Join Michelle Martin, as she speaks with Jonathan Ang and Kelvin Seetoh, Co-Authors of Value Investing: Expand Your Circle ofCompetence, on how to spot the key indicators in determining a REIT's affordability and the importance of keeping track of DPU.

JUL 23, 2019
23/07/19 - A whooping 27,000 trees are destroyed each day just to make toilet paper. How can you do your part?
The Nurturing Co hopes to inspire consumers to change their attitude towards no-plastic waste through the development and distribution of environmentally friendly daily-use essential products. Named the ‘Best Social Enterprise’ at the Sustainable Business Awards 2019, local startup ‘The Nurturing Co’ dedicates itself to daily essential use products that have a reduce-to-zero plastic and zero virgin trees impact. Its core product, Bambooloo - which is a line of tissue paper products made from bamboo and packaged in recycled paper - are the only kind in the world that are entirely plastic-free. David Ward, CEO of The Nurturing Co and Michael D'Oliveiro, COO of The Nurturing Co shares more.

JUL 23, 2019
23/07/19 - Money and Me: Get Money Smart quickly with Seedly
Join Michelle Martin, who speaks with Kenneth Lou, CEO of Seedly about how users can keep track of their personal finances through syncing their bank and credit card accounts to the personal web app.

JUL 22, 2019
22/07/19 - Money and Me: Learn the Power of Value Investing
Join Michelle Martin, as she speaks with Royston Yang, Author at The Motley Fool about everything to do with Value Investing, its benefits for one's wealth and the 3 ‘I’ Philosophy approach that will help in building one’s finances.

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