Your Money with Michelle Martin


Your Money With Michelle Martin (9am - 12pm) It’s all about Your Money with Michelle Martin from 9am to 12pm. How to save, invest and make the best financial decisions for yourself. Listen to inspiring thinkers with “Influence” and hear from great authors in “Read”.

JUN 14, 2022
14/06/22 - Market View Minutes: 6 Bear Market Tips!
Do you have the bear market blues?  We hear you and feel your pain. But don’t fret... and most certainly, do not sell off without thinking it through. Michelle Martin has 6 Bear Market Tips for you, only on Market View Minutes.

JUN 13, 2022
13/06/22 - Money and Me: Singapore ranks as the 13th most expensive city globally
According to ECA International's latest findings from its Cost of Living research, Singapore retains its ranking as the 13th most expensive city globally. Michelle Martin speaks to Lee Quane, Regional Director, Asia at ECA International as he explains the drivers behind the latest cost of living changes and implications the research findings would have on Singapore’s attractiveness as a destination for companies and expatriates.

JUN 13, 2022
13/06/22 - Market View: YangZiJiang's possible bullish narrative, Tesla, HSBC, Microsoft, Investors' reaction to inflation report
With T Rowe Price increasing its YangZiJiang Shipbuilding interest to above 8%, does this suggest a bullish narrative? And why are investors and markets so upset about the latest inflation report? Michelle Martin and Ryan Huang break it all down.

JUN 13, 2022
13/06/22 - Market View Minutes: Singapore's first SPAC listing?
A satellite company that provides high-speed internet access to remote communities across the Pacific may become the first SPAC listing in Singapore! Michelle Martin tells us more about Kacific Broadband Satellites - and the blank cheque company that's in the talks to merge with it, on Market View Minutes. 

JUN 10, 2022
10/06/22 - Market View Minutes: Is time to buy the 'Singapore Bounce' in Nio stock?
Since listing on the Singapore market, shares of the Chinese electric vehicle maker have been on a tear! Ok, they had a rough start in their first week of trade about three weeks ago, but since then, Nio is up more than 30 percent! Should we call it the ‘Singapore bounce’? Well, Nio’s latest earnings numbers are out. What do investors think of how the EV maker is doing? Michelle Martin tells you all about it in Market View Minutes.

JUN 10, 2022
10/06/22 - Market View : Optimism in China markets? Top Glove's nose dive, Kering's new targets, US hot new shortage
Investors have their eyes on Beijing this morning, for the release of  China’s latest consumer price data. Is the year-plus-long crackdown by Beijing on the country’s largest tech companies over? Price data will also come out in the US tonight and we track Europe's moves to contain climbing inflation rates which hit a record high in May. Michelle Martin also finds out which new consumer staple is at risk of running low in the US.

JUN 10, 2022
10/06/22 - Money and Me: Are hospitality reits the clear way to play the reopening trade in Singapore?
Michelle Martin finds out if  there is reason for cautious optimism in the S-REIT space given last month's data on the sector. We survey the possible winners with impressive  p/nav ratio and discuss if industrial reits could be a contrarian bet in this conversation with Kenny Loh, REIT Specialist and Independent Financial Advisor

JUN 9, 2022
09/06/22 - Money and Me: Dividend stocks with a local twist
How do we find good dividend paying stocks given present market conditions? Are there some right under our noses? Willie Keng, Founder, Dividend Titan shares his views on high yield dividend stocks with Michelle Martin. 

JUN 9, 2022
09/06/22 - Influence: Dr Sleep
We take a minute to invest in learning what we can do to ensure we get our 7 hours of rest in our increasingly connected world with Dr Vincent Candrawinata, Founder, Renovatio Bioscience who shares his ideas with Michelle Martin

JUN 9, 2022
09/06/22 - Market View Minute: Who benefits from all the construction around us?
Which companies benefit when we see more construction in our midst? Michelle Martin finds out.

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