Friday Night LIVE with Neil Humphreys & Dan Koh


Neil and Dan welcome the weekend with quizzes, health hacks and prize giveaways in an entertaining look back at the week.

JUL 28, 2023
28/07/23 - Thank Fitness its Friday: How to use the gym the right way
Special guest Dean Leigh, the national personal training manager at Virgin Active Singapore, offers listeners the best tips and tricks to optimise physical health in the gym.

JUL 28, 2023
28/07/23 - Fright Night Friday: The haunted ruins of Tanglin
Dan Koh heads into spooky Tanglin to find an old ruin that’s been left abandoned for many years. The ruin was once a students’ hostel and Dan wanders in to see if it’s really haunted.

JUL 28, 2023
28/07/23 - What is Parenthood: Offering unwanted career advice
Neil Humphreys is pestering his daughter to think about her career options so she can think about what degree to study and he can think about a huge bank loan. But they are getting nowhere. Is it practical or kiasu to ask a teenager to consider career options?

JUL 21, 2023
21/07/23 - Thank Fitness it’s Friday: The only post-holiday workout you’ll need
After the holidays, we often return with a few extra pounds after eating a few extra meals. But not to worry, Dan Koh has come up with a few post-vacation workouts that will ease you back to full fitness in no time.

JUL 21, 2023
21/07/23 - Fright Night Friday: Taking a flight from Hell
After Neil Humphreys survived a harrowing flight from New York, he decided to look up a few scary, flight-related stories. He found a few chillers and may never fly again after this.

JUL 21, 2023
21/07/23 - What is Parenthood: Trying to manage phone usage…
Neil Humphreys is trying to get his daughter to spend less time on her phone. He’s got more chance of walking on the moon. Gen Z is the first generation raised entirely on digital content. Is it a good thing or not? Neil tries to find out. It’s not pretty.

JUL 15, 2023
15/07/23 - What is Parenthood: Deciding on household chores for kids
Neil Humphreys did all the housework as a kid and still has a disturbing fetish for cleaning now. But when he told his daughter to do more around the apartment, he got some pushback… from other parents! Neil wants to know why we can’t just stick mops in our kids’ hands and tell them to get busy

JUL 14, 2023
14/07/23 - Fright Night Friday: The World's Deadliest Triangle
The horrifying thought of a giant squid's tentacles wrestling an innocent ship to the sea floor, an alien abduction, or perhaps human error, shoddy engineering, and a temperamental Mother Nature—who, could resist the legend of the Bermuda Triangle? Join Dan Koh on this journey to the imaginary Bermuda Triangle bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. 

JUL 14, 2023
14/07/23 - Thank Fitness It's Friday: The ultimate salad-building formula
Eat the rainbow... they say... Well here's the truth everyone isn't ready for: Salad isn't exactly a healthy food if you don't add the right combination of ingredients. Join Chef Dan Koh as he presents you the blueprint to making a balanced salad that will fuel you right today. 

JUL 7, 2023
07/07/23 - Fright Night Friday: Singapore's forbidden Red House
Closing the Singapore's haunted colored houses series, Dan Koh pays a visit to the 'Red House', where explorers claimed to have witnessed paranormal activities that would keep you up at night. Here's a teaser: The 'Red House' nickname given to the bungalow wasn't because of its red-bricked walls... but blood... 

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