Tay Kun Ming & Loke Hui Ying, Gem Rendezvous/The Gem Museum Singapore

Tay Kun Ming & Loke Hui Ying, Gem Rendezvous/The Gem Museum Singapore

Tay & Loke

25 July 2023
Culture Club: From Mine To Market - A peek inside a museum of precious stones in Singapore
The Gem Museum is a private museum of gemstones set up by a husband-and-wife duo, with 700 specimens on display. It helps to create an understanding about gemstones, what the value is, how to differentiate between different ones, and simply helping to develop an appreciation for and interest in gemstones amongst the public as well.
We speak to Tay Kun Ming and Loke Hui Ying, Co-Founders and Directors, The Gem Museum more about this.

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