Tan Quing Jue, Infinity FA

Tan Quing Jue, Infinity FA

Tan Quing Jue

6 November 2023
Biz-How-To: How to insure and protect your business assets?
In the fast-paced world of business, keeping your assets secure is a top priority.
In this Biz-How-To conversation, Tan Quing Jue, Senior Group Financial Services Director, Infinity Financial Advisory, discusses the risks your business might face without proper insurance, industry-specific needs for asset protection and strategies to safeguard your business.
Presented by Ryan Huang
This podcast is produced and edited by Anthea Ng (nganthea@sph.com.sg)
Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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