Steen Jakobsen, Saxo
Steen Jakobsen, Saxo
15 December 2022
Market View: Saxo’s Outrageous Predictions for 2023, Market Implications, Fed’s rate hikes, Jerome Powell’s post meeting comments
As we head closer towards the end of the year - let’s have a guess on what's to come for 2023.
On that note, online trading and investment specialist Saxo has released its 10 Outrageous Predictions for 2023.
Titled ‘The War Economy’, predictions focus on a series of underappreciated events which, if they were to occur, would send shockwaves across the financial markets as well as political and popular cultures.
Saxo said these predictions are a thought experiment in considering the full extent of what is possible. It’s key to note that they do come true occasionally - take Saxo’s prediction of the UK's exit from the European Union for example.
So, in a world where central banks and governments are set to lose their battle with inflation, what are the risks of markets becoming as outrageous as ever in 2023 and beyond?
On Market View, Prime Time’s finance presenter Chua Tian Tian chatted with Steen Jakobsen, Chief Investment Officer at Saxo on a series of mind-blowing predictions including an Un-Brexit referendum and a billionaire coalition for energy.
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