Lacey Filipich, Money School

Lacey Filipich, Money School

20032023 YM - Lacey Filipich

20 March 2023
Money and Me: What can you as a depositor do to protect yourself?
With signs showing that the banking system could be facing larger, systemic issues, should we be taking all our money out of a bank today?
Join Michelle Martin as she takes a trip to Money School with Lacey Filipich, Founder & Director, Money School, who will be sharing what we should be doing with our bank deposits today and the right questions investors should be asking banks moving forward.

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Listen to her previous podcasts:

20 January 2023
Money and Me: She bought her first house at 19 and takes us to Money School
Lacey Filipich won a lottery of sorts with her late mother's money lessons. The award winning author and founder of Money School tells Michelle Martin, it’s not more money that we should be aiming for if we want to be time and asset rich.

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