Kalaivanan Balakrishnan, ACRES
Kalaivanan Balakrishnan, ACRES
Listen To His Previous Podcasts:
2 December 2023
Saturdays Mornings: The search for justice in the killing of Singapore's protected wildlife
Saturday Mornings host Glenn van Zutphen and co-host, award-winning author Neil Humphreys speak to Kalaivanan Balakrishnan, Co-CEO of Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) about the lenient conviction and SGD1000 fine of a Singaporean man for killing a legally protected two-meter-long python in Boon Lay last April, when under the Wildlife Act he faced a $10,000 fine and up to six months in jail.
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15 June 2024
Saturday Mornings: Acres Wildlife Rescue Centre Finally Gets Access to its Land
“Saturday Mornings host Glenn van Zutphen and co-host, award-winning author Neil Humphreys, speak to Kalai Vanan Balakrishnan, Co-Chief Executive of the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) Wildlife Rescue Centre, about receiving approval to access an additional 1.5 hectares of land at their Sungei Tengah site and what they plan to do with it.”
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30 July 2022
Weekends: ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre re-opens to the public after two years
Glenn van Zutphen and award-winning author Neil Humphreys are joined by Kalai Vanan Balakrishnan, CEO, ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre about the re-opening of its Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre following Covid-19, and the current volunteer recruitment welcoming anyone with great love for wildlife - as well as the many programs they have to educate the public about living in harmony in our wild environment.
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22 May 2020
Acres carrying on with rescue efforts but struggling to stay afloat
Singapore's only wildlife rescue non-profit, Animal Concerns Research & Education Society or better known as Acres has been fighting hard to stay afloat especially during COVID-19. As a result of the pandemic, they have been forced to scale down their operations and cancel their fundraising events. Kalaivanan Balakrishnan, Deputy Chief Executive, Acres shares more about Acres and how COVID-19 has affected them.
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