Jo Ling Sun, GWI

Jo Ling Sun, GWI

Jo Ling Sun

9 January 2024
Why It Matters: What New Year’s Resolutions are Singaporeans making in 2024?
Are New Year’s resolutions still a thing? Apparently so, according to GWI’s latest research more than half (57%) of Singaporeans are still writing their lists in 2024.
So what is on top of Singaporeans’ mind in the new year, amid everything that is happening in the world and in the face of an unpredictable economy?
Jo Ling Sun, Senior Trends Analyst, GWI tells us more.

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23 October 2023
Why It Matters: Mood buying and retail therapy, why is impulse buying on the rise amid cost-of-living crisis
Price hikes and the increased cost of living are impacting Singaporeans’ spending decisions, but not in the way we might assume. With the cost-of-living crisis in full swing, emotional spending is on the rise, especially among millennials who stand out for saying they impulse buy to cope with stress.
Jo Ling Sun, Senior Trends Analyst, GWI dives deeper into GWI’s latest ‘You Are What You Buy’ study.

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7 July 2023
In the Spotlight: Unleashing the silver surfers, More Singaporean baby boomers are using social media platform
There’s a 33% increase in the average daily use of networking platforms over the last 3 years by baby boomers. This just shows that social media has had such an influence on people's lives, even across generations. However, Gen Z still remains the one to watch as they will have the greatest impact on the evolution of social media in the coming years.
We speak to Jo Ling Sun, Senior Trends Analyst, GWI more about this.

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