Jayden Ong, Soil Social

Jayden Ong, Soil Social

Jayden Ong

12 September 2023
Mind Your Business: A startup's mission to composting for healthier soil and a greener earth
When you think of soil, what comes to mind?
Well, that soil under our feet is way more important than it gets credit for!
It's like the unsung hero of our planet.
It’s not just soil; it's the foundation of life itself.
It helps plants grow, keeps ecosystems in balance, and even cleans our water.
Plus, it's a key player in farming, so thank soil for our next meal!
So, yeah, soil's pretty awesome and a big deal in our past, present, and future.
And that’s why a Singapore-based startup is committed to making a change in the gardening and landscaping scene in Singapore by creating quality compost from urban and agricultural waste in a bid to improve soil quality here and beyond.
Jayden Ong, Co-founder, Soil Social, tells us how.
Presented by Lynlee Foo and Ryan Huang
This podcast is produced and edited by Anthea Ng (nganthea@sph.com.sg)
Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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