Ifrey Lai & Bobby Lai, MOBOT

Ifrey Lai & Bobby Lai, MOBOT


15 June 2023
Mind Your Business: Like Father, Like Son - How a Gen-Zer stepped up to prevent his family business from folding
In this episode of the intergenerational business series on Mind Your Business, we share the incredible story of a father and son duo who faced the worst nightmare for any business owner: regulatory changes that nearly destroyed their company.
From a ban on e-scooters from footpaths to the challenges brought by the circuit breaker within a span of six months, they went from a thriving business to zero in a matter of days.
But against all odds, they turned the corner and are now expanding overseas, eyeing the massive market of the United States.
Ifrey Lai, Chief Executive Officer, MOBOT and Bobby Lai, Brand Manager, MOBOT recall their darkest days and their remarkable journey of resilience to triumph over adversity.

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Presented by Lynlee Foo.

This podcast is produced and edited by Anthea Ng (nganthea@sph.com.sg)

Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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