Edmund Chong, HustleVenture

Edmund Chong, HustleVenture

Edmund Chong

23 October 2023
Biz-How-To: How to hustle and save up to start a new business?
We dive into the school of hard knocks with a young entrepreneur who learned the ropes of financial independence through the heart-wrenching experience of his close family member’s business failure during the 2008 financial crisis.
This journey led to a high-stakes balancing act, juggling multiple side hustles while pursuing academic goals.
Amazingly, he managed to defy the odds by saving a remarkable 80% of their earnings to launch his business.
Edmund Chong, Founder, HustleVenture, shares about his journey, including how he built a net worth of $100k at the young age of 24.
Presented by Ryan Huang and Emaad Akhtar
This podcast is produced and edited by Anthea Ng (nganthea@sph.com.sg)
Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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