David Coiley, Inmarsat Aviation

David Coiley, Inmarsat Aviation

22122022 PT - David Coiley

22 December 2022
In the Spotlight: No quality inflight WIFI, no flight
Post COVID-19 travellers have an even greater fervour to fly, but they are also a lot more picky about travelling.
In the Spotlight on Prime Time, Bharati Jagdish speaks with David Coiley, Asia Pacific Regional Vice President, Inmarsat Aviation, on the findings of their recent Passenger Experience Survey, which highlights the key issues that would influence passengers’ travel preference with a particular airline.

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Listen to his previous podcasts:

20 January 2022
Mind Your Business: Travel Thursday - Travel confidence up but aviation industry needs to adapt to passengers' shifting behaviours
According to Inmarsat’s latest survey, APAC passengers view some everyday experiences as riskier than air travel. A significant 32 percent of APAC passengers are less confident getting on the bus or coach than taking a flight, while 32 percent of passengers felt the metro or underground was riskier than flying. David Coiley, Regional Vice President for Asia Pacific, Inmarsat Aviation shares how travel habits will change in the APAC region and how airlines can improve the travel experience for passengers and sustain their long-term growth through digitalisation.

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19 November 2020
Travel Thursday: How Covid-19 will change travel habits in the long-term, will the aviation industry suffer even more?
A new global passenger survey commissioned by Inmarsat, has found flying habits are set to change drastically for the long-term, with 9 in 10 airline passengers from the Asia Pacific region surveyed not expecting to return to their previous travel routines once the pandemic is over. David Coiley, Vice President Asia Pacific, Inmarsat Aviation shares what these changes in travel habits mean for the aviation sector in a post pandemic world.

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