Audrey Ho, Citibank Singapore

Audrey Ho, Citibank Singapore

Audrey Ho

30 November 2023
Money in the Market: Should investors still pay close attention to falling inflation?
Inflation is a sign of a sick global economy, one with too much money chasing too few products and services which was rampant during the pandemic. Luckily, there has been a decline in worldwide inflation from 8.7% in 2022 is only one evidence of the world economy's recovery. How can investors prepare for falling inflation? Should they still remain cautious? On Money in the Market, Hongbin Jeong speaks to Audrey Ho, Investment Counsellor at Citibank Singapore, to find out more.

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24 October 2023
Money in the Market: Is there a chance for non-US shares to shine?
US equities have seen a strong performance over the past 15 years. And this has changed investor dynamics. The US is sitting a record high 63% of the world’s traded market cap.
But is this a sustainable dynamic? Should investors be considering “cheaper” markets outside of the US instead?
On Money in the Market, Hongbin Jeong speaks to Audrey Ho, Investment Counsellor at Citibank Singapore, to explore the possible opportunities present.

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