Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee

Adrian Choo, Founder at Career Agility International and Sze-Yen Chee, Executive Director at Career Agility International

7 January 2020
How to avoid becoming a Career Panda in 2020
With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and automation, many other careers are bound to come under threat as technology eliminates the need for physical employees in the workplace. Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee, partners at Career Agility International share about how to avoid becoming a Career Panda in 2020.

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Listen To Their Previous Podcasts:

22 June 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee's 5 Tips for Final Career Chapter
Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee share five tips which are vital to ensuring a well-planned and meaningful final career chapter, including checking goals off one's lifetime bucket list.

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Weekends: Jason plans his final employment chapter (Career Resilience)
With Jason planning to spend more time in his homeland of Australia due to family reasons, he shares with Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee about personal goals for the final chapter of his career.

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8 Jun 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee on Career Clarity
Career Agility International bosses Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee give their five top reasons why career clarity is crucial for professional satisfaction. It helps to know which direction you're heading before you start your journey.

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Weekends: Jason on starting his own podcast in 2011 (Career Resilience)
In our Career Resilience series, Jason explains to Career Agility International experts Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee how starting his own podcast -- for limited financial reward -- paid off when he became a radio host almost a decade later.

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25 May 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee On 5 Tips For Bosses Acquiring A New Team
Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee, of Career Agility, share five tips for bosses acquiring a new team after a company takeover or merger. They agree with Jason that combining different corporate cultures can be challenging.

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Weekends: Jason's Consultancy Chapter In Indonesia (Career Resilience)
In our Career Resilience segment, Jason shares lessons learned while working as a TV consultant/trainer in Indonesia in 2014-2015, to Career Agility International experts Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee.

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18 May 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee on working offshore while living in Singapore
Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee, of Career Agility International, share five tips for working offshore while maintaining a home base in Singapore, while warning of the strain it can put on health and family.

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Weekends: Jason on his 3 years between Singapore & Malaysia (Career Resilience)
In our Career Resilience segment, Jason talks about his three rewarding yet exhausting years balancing work between Singapore and Malaysia, with Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee of Career Agility International.

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11 May 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee Share 5 Tips For Finding A Career Mentor
Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee, of Career Agility International, share 5 tips for finding the right work mentor, including key characteristics, and how even negative mentors can add value in unexpected ways.

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Weekends: Jason's Broadcasting Chapter With KUSA In Denver, Colorado
In our Career Resilience series, Jason shares personal stories from this 40-year career with Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee from Career Agility International. This week, Jason's formative stint as an international reporter with KUSA 9 News (NBC) in Colorado.

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4 May 2019
Weekends : Career Agility's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee on Job Titles
Are job titles important? Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee, of Career Agility International, give their take on job titles with their importance varying from company to company. Jason shares the story of how he felt handcuffed after accepting a lesser title for more money.

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Weekends : Jason's Hong Kong Chapter (Career Resilience)
In our career resilience segment, Jason shares with Career Agility's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee about his short stint in Hong Kong after his job in the U.S., as he assessed his career options on this return to Asia.

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27 Apr 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee Share 7 Career Secrets
Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee, of Career Agility International, share Seven Career Secrets To Land Your Dream Job, including tips on effective networking, and how to interview well.

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Weekends: Jason On Showing Career Resilience In The U.S.
Jason shares a personal story with Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee about a time in his career when he hit a speed bump after taking a job in the U.S. and how he managed to stay resilient.

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13 Apr 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee Best/Worst Career Advice #1
"Fake it till you make it" and "follow the money" are among the worst career advice you could get, according to Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee. They give their top-five worst list in our weekly career segment.

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Weekends: Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee Best/Worst Career Advice #2
The conversation continues with Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee, as they give their top-five pieces of career advice to super-charge your work life.

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6 Apr 2019
Adrian Choo's 5 Tips For Accepting Leadership Roles In Emerging Markets
Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo shares five things to consider before accepting leadership roles in ASEAN nations, and within other emerging markets.

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Jason's Journey To Malaysia With Astro (Career Resilience)
After all doors were closed to him in Singapore a decade ago, Jason shares with Career Agility boss Adrian Choo how he moved to Malaysia for his next professional step in our ongoing Career Resilience series.

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30 Mar 2019
Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee On Redundancy Packages
Career Agility International's Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee share five things to consider when failed with the choice of either a severance package or a different role in your company when the heart can overrule the head.

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Jason on dealing with getting laid off (Career Resilience)
In a 40-year working life, Jason has been laid off three times. In the latest in our Career Resilience series, Career Agility International's Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee hear how Jason dealt with each of his apparent professional setbacks.

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23 Mar 2019
Career Agility's Sze-Yen Chee & Adrian Choo On Accelerating Your Career
Career Agility International experts Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee share five tips to accelerate your career towards 2020, including the need for older workers to upgrade their skills in an ever-changing workplace.

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How Jason Came To Singapore In 2001 (Career Resilience #3)
In our continuing series on resilience in the workplace, Jason tells Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee of Career Agility International of the challenges and decisions he faced as he left CNN to move to Singapore in 2001.

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16 Mar 2019
Adrian Choo's 20-20 Job Interview Vision For 2020
With the new decade only a matter of months away, Career Agility International founder Adrian Choo shares how to have 20-20 vision for any upcoming employment interview to ensure the perfect job for 2020.

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How Jason Broke In As CNN International Anchor
In our latest segment on career resilience, Jason shares with employment guru Adrian Choo how he fulfilled his dream of being a CNN anchor, five years after being told he'd never work for the network.

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9 Mar 2019
Adrian Choo & Sze-Yen Chee From Career Agility International
Our in-house expert Adrian Choo introduces his executive director Sze-Yen Chee as Career Agility International moves into new offices at Clifford Centre, with the aim of providing guidance to high-level Singapore professionals.

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Career Resilience -- How Jason Broke Into BBC
In our new series on career resilience, Jason explains how he overcame countless setbacks to become a BBC TV presenter in 1994 to Career Agility International's Adrian Choo and Sze-Yen Chee.

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2 Mar 2019
Adrian Choo's 5 Keys To Career Resilience
How to stay resilient in today's challenging corporate world? Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo gives five keys to stay tough, despite upsetting setbacks on the job.

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Building on Adrian Choo's five tips for career resilience, Jason shares secrets of staying employed during his 40-year career, including striving of consistency in the workplace to gain trust of colleagues.

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23 Feb 2019
Adrian Choo On Jason's Portfolio Career, Part 1
Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo turns interviewer as he asks Jason about his experiences in creating his own portfolio career, having been laid off from his permanent job a year ago.

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Adrian Choo On Jason's Portfolio Career, Part 2
The conversation with Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo continues as Jason shares five things that helped him create his own portfolio career in his 50s, including being prepared to learn new skills and adapt old ones.

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9 Feb 2019
On Weekend Mornings, regular guest, Adrian Choo, Founder at Career Agility International as he shares five tips for millennials entering the workforce. Inspired by a 22-year-old British woman who turned down an entry-level job after being savaged into the interview, Career Agility boss Adrian Choo gives his five tips for Millennials entering the workforce.

Download Part 1 here.

Download Part 2 here.

2 Feb 2019
Adrian Choo's 5 Ways To #KonMarie Your Career
Inspired by the popularity of Japanese 'tidying up' author Marie Kondo, corporate coach Adrian Choo gives five tips to #KonMarie (clean up) your career for the Year of the Pig.

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The career conversation continues as Jason offers his own five ways to clean up your career, including cutting down on social media while at the workplace and staying hydrated in the office.

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15 Jan 2019
Weekends: Adrian Choo Talks About Singapore’s Hiring Season
Glenn van Zutphen talks with The Career Strategist Adrian Choo about his five tips to get ready for the beginning of the hiring season in Singapore in February and how to beat the competition for a great job.

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8 Jan 2019
Weekends: 5 Tips On How To Re-Enter The Workforce After Being Away For Some Time
Adrian gives his tips on how to re-enter the workforce after someone has taken time off to pursue other interests.

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30 Dec 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Tips To Revive Your Career In 2019
Even if you've hit rock bottom in your job, there's always a way back, says corporate coach Adrian Choo as he gives five tips to revive your career in 2019.

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In part two of our chat, Jason gets Adrian's feedback on his own, more holistic tips to revive your career when you think you've hit rock bottom.

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23 Dec 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Pieces Of Career Advice To Younger Self
With the benefit of hindsight, what do you wish you knew when you entered the workforce? Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo gives five pieces of advice to his younger self.

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The conversation continues as Jason gets Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo's feedback on the five things he wish he knew when he started his professional journey almost 40 years ago.

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16 Dec 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Ways To Build Executive Presence
Having executive presence can mean the difference between getting a job promotion and missing out, says Career Agility International boss Adrian Choo, who shares 5 ways to enhance your corporate image.

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In part two of our career chat, Jason gets Adrian's feedback on his own keys to building your executive presence, including knowing your audience and being honest and self-deprecating when appropriate.

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2 Dec 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Things To Do With A New Boss
Career Agility founder Adrian Choo lists five useful tips for employees when they unexpectedly find themselves working for a new boss.

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The conversation with Career Agility founder Adrian Choo continues as Jason weighs in with suggestions about how senior staff can make their mark with a new boss.

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3 Nov 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Ways To Achieve Job Happiness
Adrian Choo, of Career Agility International, lists five ways to achieve career happines for workers. From entry level to top executives, it is all about perspective, planning and seeing the big picture.

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The conversation continues as career expert Adrian Choo gives his feedback on Jason's five ways to achieve job happiness in the cut-throat and competitive world of media.

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27 Oct 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Warning Signs In Job Interviews
What are the red flags to watch out for when contemplating your next professional step? Career coach Adrian Choo, of Career Agility International, lists five warning signs in job interviews.

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The conversation continues as Jason gives his own five warning signs, including the story of a prospective employer which asked him to go on a business trip for free before he'd come on board as an employee.

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14 Oct 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Signs You Need To Slow Down
Corporate coach Adrian Choo, founder of Career Agility International, shares five warning signs that it is time to take stock and slow your career down.

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The conversation with corporate coach Adrian Choo continues as Jason gives his own five signs that it is time to slow down in your career, or take a step back, including when you no longer recognise yourself in the mirror.

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8 Oct 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo's 5 Outdated Work Practices
Corporate coach Adrian Choo, of Career Agility International, lists five employee practices that are no longer beneficial in today's Singapore work place in our  weekly Career Crossroads segment.

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The conversation continues with Adrian Choo, founder of Career Agility International, as Jason gives his own five examples of outdated work practices, including boozy lunches in his hometown of Sydney from the 1980s.

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1 Oct 2018
Five Things To Consider Before Accepting A Transfer Overseas
Is it a step up or a step towards the exit? Career coach Adrian Choo outlines the pros and cons about accepting an internal transfer at work.

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The conversation continues as Jason shares his personal stories with corporate coach Adrian Choo of when moving overseas has helped his career -- and how an aborted move set him back.

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24 Sep 2018
Weekends: Adrian Choo On Why Your Job Search Isn't Going Well
Career coach Adrian Choo gives five reasons why your job search isn't going well and suggests ways of ensuring you take the next step in your career.

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17 Sep 2018
Weekends: 5 Ways To Stay In Job By Career Coach Adrian Choo
Career coach Adrian Choo shares tips on how to extend your stay in a job when a company is cutting back.

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27 Aug 2018
Adrian Choo's 5 People For Work Inner Circle
Corporate coach Adrian Choo recommends five people for your work inner inner circle in the Career Crossroads segment.

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24 Aug 2018
Career Crossroads: 5 Signs You Are In The Right Job
Career coach Adrian Choo and Jason continue the conversation on 5 signs you are in the right job.

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14 Aug 2018
Career Crossroads: Toxic Co-worker
Career Coach Adrian Choo's 5 tips on how to deal with a toxic co-worker.

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7 Aug 2018
Career Crossroads: 5 Attributes Of The Modern Manager
Adrian Choo, career coach gives us 5 attributes of the modern manager.

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17 July 2018
Does Being A Good Samaritan In Business Pay Off?
Adrian Choo, Career Coach shares 5 points on whether being a good Samaritan in business pays off.

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9 July 2018
Career Crossroads: Dos And Don'ts Of Leaving Your Job
Adrian Choo of Career Crossroads returns to chat with Jason on the dos and donts of leaving a job.

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2 July 2018
Career Coach Adrian Choo On Networking

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12 Jun 2018
Adrian Choo: Do Nice Guys Finish Last In Business?
Do nice guys finish last in business? Career Coach Adrian Choo gives us his take on this.

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5 Jun 2018
Adrian Choo, Career Coach On Workers Over The Age Of 45
Adrian Choo, career coach and author of Career Crossroads returns to chat with Jason Dasey. In this week's episode, he shares tips for workers at the ages of 45+ & 55+.

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28 May 2018
Adrian Choo, Career Coach & Author of Career Crossroads
In this week's episode, Adrian Choo shares the five best ways for executives to prepare for a job interview.

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14 May 2018
Weekend Mornings with Jason Dasey: Adrian Choo
On this week's episode of Career Crossroads, we speak with Mr Adrian Choo, Career Coach on the 5 ways to fastrack a promotion.

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30 Apr 2018
Weekend Mornings With Jason Dasey - Adrian Choo
Adrian Choo, author of Career Crossroads book and corporate coach, for Career Crossroads segment. He spoke with Justin on the 5 things to do when you have a difficult boss.

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21 Apr 2018
Weekend Mornings with Jason Dasey - Adrian Choo
On this segment of Career Crossroads, Jason spoke with talent acquisition strategist Adrian Choo, author of Career Crossroads. Listen for useful career tips for mid and upper level professionals.

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