Janice Chong, Fitch Ratings

Janice Chong, Fitch Ratings


21 September 2020
Market View: Telcos Worldwide to Ramp Up 5G Capex
Higher 5G spending in 2021-2022 and the tough economic environment delaying economic returns are likely to increase pressure on credit metrics for most telecommunications operators worldwide.
In a recent report fitch ratings shared that nearly half of the 90 publicly rated companies in their global telecom portfolio have low rating headroom - underlying the importance of prudent capital management. To find out more Prime Time's Rachel Kelly spoke to Janice Chong, Director, Asia-Pacific Corporates, Fitch Ratings.

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Fitch Ratings' Janice Chong Talks Telcos & 5G
Change isn't easy -- and sometimes it doesn't come cheap, especially with local telcos gearing up with a shift to 5G. But will this burden debt levels and leverage for telcos? Fitch Ratings' Director Janice Chong assesses these risks -- but also says that there are other ways for telcos to get to 5G in a more flexible manner. She also briefly touches on South Korea's experience as a first mover in the 5G space.

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