Amitabh Sarkar, Tata Communications & Georgette Tan, United Women Singapore

Amitabh Sarkar, Tata Communications & Georgette Tan, United Women Singapore

Amitah and Georgette

11 October 2023
Culture Club: Leveraging Formula 1 to accelerate gender diversity in tech and motorsports
For over four decades, motorsports, including Formula 1, has been predominantly male-dominated. Yet, a paradigm shift is underway. In 2022, women constituted nearly 40 percent of F1 fans. This has resulted in a proactive response to rectify the existing gender disparity within the sport.
Amitabh Sarkar, Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific and Japan for Enterprise, Tata Communications and Georgette Tan, President, United Women Singaporeshares their views on what more needs to be done to increase gender representation in the industry,

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