Ricky Thng & Dave Ng, Hebei Jinbiao Construction Materials

Ricky Thng & Dave Ng, Hebei Jinbiao Construction Materials

Ricky & Dave

19 September 2023
Mind Your Business: The Sound of Silence - Leaders in noise mitigation
Next time you're out on the road, take a moment to look around.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, you'll notice a form of pollution that often goes unnoticed – noise.
But behind the scenes, there's a group that's been diligently working to combat this issue.
Ricky Thng, Managing Director, Hebei Jinbiao Construction Materials & Dave Ng, Sales Director, Hebei Jinbiao Construction Materials - the leading company in noise control barriers and winner of the SME 100 Awards 2023 Fast Moving Companies, share more about their business, challenges and plans ahead.
Presented by Lynlee Foo and Ryan Huang
This podcast is produced and edited by Anthea Ng (nganthea@sph.com.sg)
Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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