Eric Tan, FedEx Express Singapore

Eric Tan, FedEx Express Singapore

Eric Tan

21 August 2023
Mind Your Business: Guided by grandma’s wisdom, the heart-centred leadership of Fedex Express Singapore’s MD
In this episode of Mind Your Business, it’s a story of a seasoned leader who's taken the timeless teachings of his elders to heart, creating a leadership style that's all about empathy and understanding.
Eric Tan, Singapore Managing Director, FedEx Express Singapore, shares what he’s learned from his maternal grandmother that has become the cornerstone of his approach to leading one of the logistics industry's most successful ventures.
Presented by: Lynlee Foo and Ryan Huang
This podcast is produced by Anthea Ng (
Do contact her for topics: C-Suite, SME, Sustainability, Property, Intergenerational Family Business, Industry Outlook, Fintech

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