Cyndi Hui, Skyscanner

Cyndi Hui, Skyscanner

Cyndi Hui

19 October 2023
Culture Club: Singaporean travellers say ‘goodbye’ to revenge travels
Have you planned on where you are heading next for a holiday in 2024? Skyscanner's Travel Trends 2024 has found that the ‘vibe’ of the destination also plays a huge part in Singaporeans picking their next holiday destination.
What does the word ‘vibe’ mean for us in this context? And is ‘revenge travel’ over for us?
Cyndi Hui, Travel Expert, Skyscanner shares her thoughts.

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17 August 2023
In The Spotlight: Have passport will travel? Singaporeans' appetite for travel remains despite rising costs
Even with the rising costs of living and GST, 89% of Singaporeans are still determined to spend on travel.
Skyscanner's Travel in Focus 2023 Report also shows that Singaporean travellers are opportunistic and deal-conscious travellers who are always ready to switch up their plans in a heartbeat if they stumble upon a better deal.
We speak with Cyndi Hui, Travel Trends and Destination Expert at Skyscanner for all hacks and tools to help Singapore travellers book pocket-friendly getaways.

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