Carissa Nimah, Bhutan Department of Tourism & Joni Herison, Co-author, Bhutan Travelog
Carissa Nimah, Bhutan Department of Tourism & Joni Herison, Co-author, Bhutan Travelog
24 June 2023
Saturday Mornings: How tourism in Bhutan offers a unique, unexpected experience to travelers
“Saturday Mornings” host Glenn van Zutphen and award-winning author Neil Humphreys are joined in the Studio by Carissa Nimah, Chief Marketing Officer, Bhutan Department of Tourism and Joni Herison, Co-author, Bhutan Travelog & Founder, Druk Asia as they discuss the unique, unexpected travel experience for everyone visiting Bhutan and how it’s so vastly different from visiting other countries in Asia because of its sustainability practices, culture, and warm, friendly people.
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