Kat Warboys, HubSpot

Kat Warboys, HubSpot

17042023 BF - Kat Warboys

17 April 2023
Why it Matters: Would you prefer a 10% pay raise or good relationships with colleagues?
When it comes to worklife - what would you prioritise? A 10% pay increase or great relationships with your colleagues? And what could be the biggest factor that could make you decide whether or not you should stay or go for a better opportunity?
Kat Warboys, Director APAC at HubSpot shares interesting findings from a recent report on working in hybrid settings, post-pandemic.

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7 November 2022
Why It Matters: The state of marketing in Singapore
A new joint research sponsored by CRM platform HubSpot, along with LinkedIn and conducted by YouGov, highlights the current business challenges faced by marketers in Singapore and reveals how the marketing dollar will be prioritised in a tight climate to keep the brand conversation going.
Kat Warboys, Marketing Director, APAC, HubSpotshares more on findings from the survey and the state of marketing in Singapore right now.

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