Bernadette Victorio, Oxfam & Jessica Cheam, Eco-Business
Bernadette Victorio, Oxfam & Jessica Cheam, Eco-Business
23 September 2020
Eco Money: Are banks funding environmental harm?
According to its latest report - between 2014 to 2019, financial institutions from Asia, North America, and Europe provided approximately US$556 billion in loans and underwriting services to some of the largest companies active in high risk sectors such as energy and power generation and infrastructure. So why are these sectors considered high risk? And what are the steps that should be taken going forward to, as they say, “build back better”? Rachel Kelly spoke to Bernadette Victorio, Regional Program Lead, Fair Finance Asia, Oxfam and Jessica Cheam, Managing Director of Eco-Business to find out.
Download the podcast.